Looking for a Beta-Reader or Critique Partner?
Come join us on Monday, May 7th all day long and find your perfect Beta-Reader or CP.
First things first. Let's talk about the differences between a beta reader and critique partner. By definition, a beta reader is really just a reader who reads before you publish. You should not be seeking beta readers unless you have a complete and polished manuscript. A beta reader also will only make big picture suggestions.
A critique partner is someone who will go through your work, scouring the pages for mistakes and issues. Normally, I don't look for critique partners until I've finished a second draft, but I've heard of people doing it on their first drafts. A CP will offer very detailed feedback and might even spot and grammar/spelling issues. Most of the time a CP will be a swap. You will critique their work, while they critique your work.
Every writer needs critiques and beta-readers. I personally swear by critiques to improve my writing. So I will be hosting an event to help each of you find a CP or beta reader. Here are some things to include in your Tweet on Monday.