
Looking for a Beta-Reader or Critique Partner?

Come join us on Monday, May 7th all day long and find your perfect Beta-Reader or CP.

First things first. Let's talk about the differences between a beta reader and critique partner. By definition, a beta reader is really just a reader who reads before you publish. You should not be seeking beta readers unless you have a complete and polished manuscript. A beta reader also will only make big picture suggestions.

A critique partner is someone who will go through your work, scouring the pages for mistakes and issues. Normally, I don't look for critique partners until I've finished a second draft, but I've heard of people doing it on their first drafts. A CP will offer very detailed feedback and might even spot and grammar/spelling issues. Most of the time a CP will be a swap. You will critique their work, while they critique your work.

Every writer needs critiques and beta-readers. I personally swear by critiques to improve my writing. So I will be hosting an event to help each of you find a CP or beta reader. Here are some things to include in your Tweet on Monday.

1. Be sure to include the genre of your WIP and age range.
2. Include what genre you are interested in swapping for, if you are looking for a CP.
3. Whether you are looking for a CP or Beta-reader.
4. A Short Synopsis of your WIP.

I've compiled some acronyms we can use in our tweets, so that other tweeps will know what you are looking for. If I missed anything, let me know.

Now on the day of the search, all you have to do is send out your tweet. If you see any tweets from other writers that you think might interest you, send them a favorite or a comment. Not only will this process help you with finding a CP or BR,  it will help you practice for pitches.

Hope to see you all there! If there is anything I missed or any questions you have, be sure to contact me and let me know.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! This is awesome! Twitter needs more stuff like this! So glad you guys are doing this!❤️


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