Struggles of a Writer: Writer's Block and How to Overcome it

I've been thinking awhile about starting a blog series about the struggles of a writer and author. So as the inaugural Struggles of a Writer series, I proudly present to you: Writer's Block and How to Overcome it.

So, you've been on an amazing writing sprint. Cranking out 2,000 plus words a day or more and then the next day you sit down at your laptop and nothing happens. As a writer this can be so frustrating. The words are there, but you can't get them on paper or on the computer. If you are any kind of artist you have struggled with some sort of creative block. Here's a few tips and tricks that I've found work for me. If you have any tips that I don't mention, leave a comment and tell us what you do to overcome writer's block.

1. Play some video games or watch some television.
I've found that playing my favorite video game or even binge watching a new television show really helps settle my mind and get things flowing again.

2. Try working on a flash fiction or short story.
I've found that when the words aren't coming for my WIP, I can use a quick writing prompt to get the creative juices flowing again. It doesn't have to be anything super long, but just letting your mind wander will certainly help.

3. Read, Read, and Read some more.
Pick up a good book and give yourself a few days to enjoy someone else's writing. Reading other people's work helps me get the creative juices flowing and I find myself itching to get back to my work.

4. Go back a few chapters and read your WIP.
I'm not sure if this will work for you, but sometimes when I'm stuck, I got back and read a few chapters and by the time I'm done, I know where I want the story to go. This might only work if you are like me and pants everything you write.

5. Take a few days off and spend some time with friends and family.
It's okay if you don't write everyday. This is something we struggle with as writers. I've heard people say that writers should write something everyday, but this just isn't possible for most of us unless writing is your full time job. I've found that spending time with my family really helps me get the creative juices flowing. Everyone needs a break and it's okay if you need a break.

6. Do some role playing with your characters.
There are tons of chats on Twitter where you can role play with your characters, including the occasional #WIPchat. Getting to know your character a little better might help you get his/her story down better. If you don't want to engage in a chat with your character, I've been able to find quite a few in depth questions to ask your character online.

So, that's about it. These tips or tricks might not work for everyone. These are just some of the things that I've found work for me. If you have some tricks of your own, feel free to share them in the comments section below.

Look for the next Struggles of a Writer post next Wednesday.

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